Veranstaltungshinweis „Research Data Handling“
am Dienstag, den 09.01.2018 um 14:00 Uhr findet ein Workshop zum Thema “Research Data Handling” im Kleinen Hörsaal der Anorganischen Chemie Campus C4.3 statt.
Um Anmeldung wird gebeten:
How to turn your chemistry research data into FAIR data (and get credit for it): going beyond supporting
Professor Henry S. Rzepa
Faculty of Natural Sciences,
Department of Chemistry
Imperial College London
his workshop will show a modern approach to managing and preserving important research
data by creating it as FAIR (findable, accessible, inter‐operable and re‐usable) archives, with
their own publication DOIs, their own context (metadata) and their own usage statistics. The
types of data that will be illustrated with examples are currently molecule‐oriented and
include computational chemistry, NMR spectroscopies, crystallography and software.
Examples from the audience are very welcome (bring a USB stick). Discussion of how to
expand the data types into a broader coverage of molecular sciences is encouraged, as are
contributions from the audience of their own experiences in both using (unFAIR) data and
their own creation of FAIR archives.