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NTNM Catalogue
In the NTNM catalog you can find print and electronic books and journals from the collection of the NTNM library
NTNM Knowledge Portal
In the NTNM Knowledge Portal you will also find articles from scientific and technical journals and databases with links to the full text and / or an order option.
All newsWe use the bridge days around the national holiday, reduce overtime and enjoy the sun. The NTNM library is therefore closed on the following days in August:
Thursday, 15.08.2024 (Assumption Day)
Friday, 17.08.2024 (bridge day)
Saturday, 17.08.2024 (bridge day)
We wish all our library visitors a sunny semester break.
Details…The last concert in the “New Tunes New Mates” series will take place on July 26 at 6 p.m. in the NTNM library.
Details…The INM – Leibniz Institute for New Materials has revised its Open Access Policy and adopted a new, revised version by the management on June 10, 2024: