Webinar Springer-Materials

Am Montag, den 24.06.2019 um 16:00 Uhr (in deutscher Sprache)   und am Donnerstag, den 27.06.2019 um 10:00 Uhr (in englischer Sprache) findet jeweils ein Webinar zur Datenbank Springer-Materials statt. Interessenten sind herzlich eingeladen teilzunehmen unter https://www.gotomeet.me/MichaelKlinge (keine Registrierung erforderlich).

Abstract: How to Easily Find (And Use!) Reliable Materials Science Information

The exponential growth of data in the field of materials science has led to vast amounts of information and data being scattered across journals, books and patents making the discoverability of this information difficult. The webinar will illustrate how SpringerMaterials can help researchers and students to identify materials and their properties via use case scenarios. https://materials.springer.com is home to the largest collection of critically evaluated data in materials science and related fields.To access the webinar, simply click on https://www.gotomeet.me/MichaelKlinge (no registration required).

More information

  • Presenter: Michael Klinge, PhD – Director Product Management, Springer Nature
  • Both presentations will be more or less identical, one in German (Monday, 24.6., 4 pm CET) and one in English (Thursday, 27.6., 10:00 am CET)
  • Access: Both webinars are accessible via https://www.gotomeet.me/MichaelKlinge
  • Audio connection works via Computer or telephone which can be chosen while opening the webinar.
