INMdok – the new institutional repository of the INM

INMdok is the new platform for Open Access publications from the INM – Leibniz Institute for New Materials. INMdok serves as an institutional repository for the institute and represents another tool to support INM researchers for publishing in Open Access.

In principle, all publications can be published on INMdok if at least one author of the author collective indicates INM in his/her affiliation, AND the publication is provided with a Creative Commons license.

Why is INMdok useful?

  • Authors may be required by their funding agency to make publications from funded projects freely available in public repositories. INMdok fulfills all requirements for this and allows you to publish via the NTNM library within a day.
  • Supplement files (figures, tables, corrigenda, etc.) can also be deposited for each publication if required.
  • Scientific contributions that are NOT intended for journal publication (conference papers, posters, presentations, abstracts, etc.) can be made permanently and citable publicly available via INMdok. Through our membership in the DataCite consortium, we assign a unique doi (Digital Object Identifier) to your publication free of charge.
  • Articles that were originally published in subscription-based journals (i.e. in “closed access”) can subsequently be made freely accessible, e.g. in their preprint version. Many publishers allow this after embargo periods have expired. The NTNM library will be happy to check the licensing possibilities.
  • Publications on INMdok link to the ORCID profiles of the authors.
  • The platform offers all search functions as well as filtering options according to program areas and research fields.

INMdok was technically developed by the Library Service Center Baden Württemberg on the basis of the open source software OPUS4 and meets all requirements of a publicly accessible repository. This means that all library standards regarding data formats, long-term archiving and citability as well as compliance with licensing regulations for the publications stored on it are guaranteed. In addition, the visibility of INM publications on the web is increased, as INMdok is connected to scientific search engines such as BASE and Google Scholar through standardized interfaces.

INMdok went online at the beginning of 2023. So far, you will find more than 500 publications by INM authors from the various program areas and research fields that meet the requirements (OA and Creative Common license). The platform is successively completed and updated by the staff of the NTNM library.


Elke Bubel
Beauftragte des INM für Open-Access
