Inspec Analytics

Wie kann man Daten über die Forschung erheben, ordnen und visualisieren, so dass Forschungstrends erkennbar und die noch unerforschten Nischen in Forschungsdisziplinen sichtbar werden? Am 19.09.2018 haben Sie um 10:00 Uhr im INM – Leibniz-Institut für Neue Materialien, in der „Alten Bibliothek“ (D2 2, 1. OG) Gelegenheit,  das Suchwerkzeug Inspec Analytics kennen zu lernen. Dan Scott, Senior Manager von Institute of Engineering and Technology (IET), London, stellt die Stärken und Einsatzmöglichkeiten von Inspec Analytics vor.

Inspec Analytics

Engineering is global and increasingly multi-disciplinary so generating the next hot topic of research or a distinct competitive advantage becomes ever more challenging.
By combining semantic technology with Inspec’s renowned index, we have created the Inspec knowledge graph, adding relationships between institutions, authors, articles and concepts. Using this navigable map of science, Inspec Analytics offers new views and functionality to take you beyond the literature to dig deeper into the connected networks of scientific research, derive new insights and identify trends and patterns which were previously locked away.
Use Inspec Analytics to answer complex questions such as:

  • What is the research output from my specific institution for a particular field?
  • How am I connected to the leading authors in a particular field?
  • In which journals have my peers published?
  • What concepts are related to my area of expertise?
  • How has research within a specific area changed over time?
  • What are the newest cross disciplinary areas I should be aware of?

Elke Bubel
